Learning about Alchemy. [Guide] by Ryoko from SRF

  1. Sro Auto Alchemy Tool Reviews
  2. Sro Auto Alchemy Tool Download

A simple guide how to register and login with the account: 6 Likes. Delirus pinned May 1, 2020, 11:29pm. Auto Pot-Buff-Res Tool 5000 is a Silkroad Online multi-tool. Party Based Auto-Ressing and much more. IceCube: Auto pot buff res to. By qurrary: 3 Votes. Silkroad Online Tools for VSRO: ASF Tool v2.2 (2016) Silkroad Online Tools (ASF, AUTO ALCHEMY, Mbot and Other Tools: January 2016 Get in Touch to the latest tools in Silkroad. Since 4.0.0: UI re-design (smaller) Using symbols with tool-tips. Auto search for alchemist writs (requested by QuadroTony) Favorites (requested by Xirael) Marking potions already in bag; Key-Binding to toggle Potion Maker outside crafting station. Prvsro your guide to silkroad private servers like bots,servers,exploits,mbot cracked,Job Servers,Guides,Bots and Tools,pvp and pve servers.

I've seen a lot of posts in the past about alchemy, and how some people can never +5 their items or weapons.

Alchemy can be very frustrating, but at the same time very rewarding. Alchemy is one of the better things about silkroad that I like. Much like gambling it is very addicting, and its always something to do when your bored of grinding.

70 levels of silkroad, and I still can't wait to get out of work and play.

So today I will share with you - my alchemy.

I'm not rich and none of my protectors are SOS, but thats besides the point. (Shout out to all players who are legit and poor! )

I see a lot of people say they've used 80 some elixirs and don't have a +4 weapon. I see a lot of people complaining that they have used 6 astrals and their weapon always fails.

Alchemy 101

The biggest secret to alchemy is right in the help file, as follows:
If I purchase an item, and it goes 1-2-3 very easily, I know it can go to +4.

If the item fails on 2's and 3's, you know its going to be difficult to get +4.

If the item goes 1-2-3-4 easily, I know the item can go to +5.

If it was real easy to go +5, this item has potential to be +7.

If it took 50 elixirs to get to +4, your going to have a very hard time getting +5.

I think people lose a lot of money because they just won't admit the item has bad luck. Eventually, its time to put the item down and try a different one. There are reasons some people get +5 on the first try, and you couldn't get it with 80 elixirs.

Maybe it takes a couple tries, but I usually get it. Sometimes I buy items cheap and +5 them just to sell them again.

My chest and gloves would never go +5. I replaced them. Chest went on second try. Gloves went on fourth try.

Both of my rings went on first try. But my earrings didn't. After a couple million in elixirs, I replaced them, and +5'ed my new ones third try.

My +7 bow went about like this. 1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3-4-4-5-6-7.

Here are some examples of very rewarding moments.

Why won't your item go +5 ?

-The item has poor luck, and probably won't go +5 easily.
-Some items were never meant to be +5
-You have no discipline, and you crammed 40 elixirs in the window and lost them
-You told yourself it has to go eventually' which is only somewhat true.

Will you +5 my item?

No. (^_~)


Don't think anyone knows how lucky 'truly' works. Neither do I. But heres a hypothetical theory.

You fail. You use a lucky. Its not enough - you still fail.
You fail. You use a lucky. Its enough - and succeeds.

Sro Auto Alchemy Tool Reviews

You succeed. No lucky used.

This *tries* to explain the lucky phenominum:

Succeed without remove
Succeed with remove
Fail with remove.

The Goods

I rarely share info about my character... and I really wanted to finish the +5 set. But the cap might go up and these will be sold. So heres my current works. Shoulders and boots unfinished, because they suck.Tool

Following that, a project I just finished (glaive). It took 4 astrals to make it +5, so I dont think Im going to try +7.

[Download the Alchemy guide for Silkroad Online!It's FREE!]
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Sro Auto Alchemy Tool Download

~ enjoy!
Silkroad Online BOT 2011
This is SROKing product bot, that contains clients for Elite Silkroad private servers, and iSRO (International Silkroad servers bot.)
You can watch the video here Youtube:Silkroad Online SROKing Bot Software 2011BOT VIDEO
And you can DOWNLOAD the bot here:
-iSRO (International Silkroad Online)Click to download
-eSRO(Elite Silkroad Online (private)
Click to download

------ SROKing Bot TUTORIAL (Learn how to use the BOT for your char!!) ------

an account including username and password to login and use SROKing bot.
Modify PW: You can change your password for SROKing here.
This is the launcher of SROKing , the left window shows the latest information and version of SROKing.
Language: Choose your language (Including for launcher and the in-game bot menu),there will have more language to choose In future.
Server: Please choose a faster server due to your net connection.
UserName: Input your username for SROKing here. If you don’t have one, please click “Register” to create your own username. Please don’t confuse this with your SRO game account.
Password: Input your password for your SROKing account.
Register: Click this to create a new SROKing account. You need
you can select which type of monsters want to avoid, like the blue part. while you are avoiding a boss, bot WONT loot, WONT attack the mob which is near the boss.
2. Start Skill : the start skill is a skill that you use first to attack a mob. if the Start Skill is not cool down, SROKing will auto use the skill in the skill box.
3. Imbue Buff : select a imbue buff.
4. Don’t touch other player’s target: SROKing wont attack the mob which is attacked by others.
5. Activate Berserk :
a. auto berserk when available
b. auto berserk when several mobs attacking you
c. auto berserk when mob in specific types attacking you
6. this box is full of the attack skill you have learnt
7. choose skills for the normal situation.
8. choose skills for emergency
a. several mobs attacking you
b. mob in specific types attacking you
9. Auto Switch Weapon
a. auto switch your major weapon when it has no durability. Make sure the spare weapon is put at the 1st slot in your inventory.
b. Auto switch weapon which is go with the skill you want to use. Make sure the sub-class weapon is put at the 2nd slot in your inventory.
1. Auto sitting
2. Auto HP : if you don’t choose “Prior Use” then SROKing will auto potion from X-large to herb. SROKing won’t use grain if you choose the “no HP back town”.
3. Auto MP : if you don’t choose “Prior Use” then SROKing will auto potion from X-large to herb. SROKing won’t use grain if you choose the “no MP back town”.
4. Auto Vigor : if you don’t choose “Prior Use” then SROKing will auto potion from X-large to herb, and if the potion is out, SROKing will use the vigor grain.
5. Auto Use Universal Pill : auto use universal pills from special small to small.
6. Auto Heal : auto choose the most powerful skill you have learnt to heal yourself.
a. the players you want to avoid. You can add them form table c and b.
b. you can type player’s name at b, then can add it to a
c. the players SROKing can find nearby.
d. use it to fuzzy search. E.g. you want add “GabcM”, you may type “G*M”, then it will list all players whose name is begin with “G” and end with “M”
1. it shows all the buffs you have learnt
2. the buff need to keep on, e.g. Noise, Moving March & Grass Walk
3. the buff used only for battle
  1. use character to loot
  2. loot all the items
  3. loot the items you set as right
  4. if you tick this check box, SROKing will pick up items as soon as the mob dies. If your char is attacked by a mob when picking items, SROKing will attack back after loot.
If you don’t tick it, SROKing will attack back first when your char is attacked then pick up items.
  1. use pet to loot
6. Loot these first : no matter what happened SROKing will loot these first. Even your char is attacking a mob or sitting, SROKing will pick up the items you set first, then continue attacking or sitting.
1. Auto town : SROKing will auto town when the situation you choose is activated. (Notice: lack of HP/MP/Arrow/Bolt auto town means if the quantity of HP/MP/Arrow/Bolt is lower than 5, SROKing will auto town)
2. you can choose how to back town
3. auto buy : SROKing will auto buying things according to your set. (Notice: )
4. set what you want sell/store here
5. auto buy the quantity of HGP for growth pet
6. keep the quantity of return scrolls you set, SROKing wont deal with the extra return scrolls in your inventory.
7. auto use reverse return scroll back to training place.
8. back to training place by horse.
9. SROKing will stop botting when your exp is droped X%. (“X” is set by you)
10. SROKing will stop botting if you back town X times in half an hour. (“X” is set by you)
1. Growth pet protection
a. auto use HGP for growth pet
b. auto revive growth pet (Notice: you must keep the revive grass in your inventory if you want to use this feature)
c. auto summon the 1st growth pet
2. auto use pet HP for growth pet and horse (Notice: you must keep recovery kit in your inventory if you want to use this feature)
3. auto sort inventory, include character’s and pet’s inventory. SROKing will auto combine the same items.
1. if you click twice on a spot on the mini-map, SROKing will auto walk there.
2. you can move the map by holding the left key of your mouse.
3. you can see the coordinate where your mouse shows.
4. the red spot refers to yourself, the green cross refers to the spot you want to go.
5.you can go to wherever you want by putting the coordinates. SROKing also provide “world transfer”
1. Q: is the UserName refering to my character name in game?
A: no. the UserName is only for the SROKing! if you dont have one, please click the 'Register' botton to get one.
2. Q: what should i do after registering a SROking UserName?
A: just input your UserName and Password in the right place, click Login , then you can enjoy the botting time!
3. Q: is there only Enlish and Chinese version?
A: yes, but we will add French German and Turkish very soon.
4. Q: what does the Server mean?
A: the server is for SROKing, not for the game. and 'Servr 1 >XX ms' is stand for the state of your network, you can choose a better one for botting.
5. Q: what is 'Modify Pwd'?
A: if you want to change a password for SROKing, you should click it to change your password.
6. Q: why i get 'please install your SROKing under the path without special characters(non-English characters)' all the time?
A: SROKing should be installed under the path with only English characters and numbers. We dont support special characters like Turkish, Arabic, Chinese or other special characters.
e.g.bad: C:Documents And SettingsDesktopDo?sSROKing
good: C:Documents And SettingsDesktopDocsSROKing
but if you don't want to make any mistakes use C:SROKing
1. Q: what is 'enable bot'?
A: when you click 'enable bot' some features like: auto potion, pet protection, mini-map and auto sort inventory are activated.
2. Q: why i cant start bot?
A: first you should set your skills in the 'botting' page, and enable bot , then click 'start bot' when you arrive your training place.
3. Q: i selected to 'avoid >= Champion party title monster', but bot dont avoid that.
A: SROKing avoid the blue part as you choose. it means, if you select 'avoid >= Champion party title monster', it will avoid champion party/Giant party and wont avoid champion/Giant/general party or Elite.
4. Q: how to switch weapon? it doesnt support my sub-class skill?
A: there is two opinions at the bottom of the 'botting' page. if you want change weapon when your major weapon's durability runs out, plz tick 'weapon break' and make sure you put your spare weapon at the 1st slot of your inventory.
if you want change weapon according to your skills , plz tick 'when use sub-class skill', and be sure put your sub-class weapon at the 2nd slot of your inventory.
5 .Q: how to auto potion? what will bot do when my prior potions run out?
A: if you dont tick 'Prior use XX', SROKing will auto use the larger potion in your inventory, like from 'x-large' to 'herb'.
if you tick 'Prior use XX', SROKing will sure use the potion as you set first, when it runs out, SROKing will auto use the larger potion in your inventory, just like you didnt tick 'Prior use XX'.
6. Q: what the difference between 'keep these buffs on' and 'use buffs when fight'?
A: SROKing will auto add buffs which you put in the 'keep these buffs' box as soon as your character out the town, and SROKing will keep these buffs on during the way to training place.
buffs in the 'use buffs when fight' box, SROKing will auto use them only when you arrive your training place.
7. Q: what do you mean by 'loot these first'?
A: if you tick 'loot these first', SROKing will pick these items as soon as they show up. SROKing will stop attacking mobs/sitting/avoiding , it will loot these items first, then continue attacking/sitting or avoiding.
8. Q: i tick 'lack of MP potion' back town, but i still have 4MP in my inventory, why bot auto towned?
A: 'lack of' here means 'less than 5', if you tick 'lack of HP/MP/Arrow or Bolt' back town and there is less than 5 HP/MP/Arrow/Bolt SROKing will auto town.
9. Q: i set auto buy 200 HP medium potion, i got 185 pots in my inventory, why it didnt buy the other 15 pots?
A: 1.SROKing won't auto supply if your items which need to buy are more than 90% of the value you've set.
e.g.If you set 200 HP potions to buy, and you got 195 in your inventory, SROKing wont buy any. or, you set 200 HP potions to buy, you got only 155 in your inventory, SROKing will auto buy 45 for you.
2.SROKing will calculate all HP herb and HP potion(no matter small or medium or whatever) you have together, then compare this number to the value you've set to decide whether you need to supply.
e.g. If you set 200 medium HP potions to buy, and you got 150 medium HP potions and 40 large HP potions in inventory, SROKing wont buy any potions. or, you you set 200 medium HP potions to buy, you got 150 medium HP poitions and 20 large HP potions in inventory, then SROKing will auto buy 30 medium HP potions for you.
10.Q: why my bot dont auto sort inventory?
A: there is an opinion on the 'pet' page. you should tick 'auto sort inventory items' , then SROKing will auto sort both your and your pet's inventory.
11.Q: what does the mini-map do?
A: it shows where are your role. if you untick 'focus on char', you can move it with the left key of your mouse. and when SROKing is enabled (not started), you can go anywhere you want by double clicking the spot on the map.